2005年10月20日 星期四


1.去PD經過芙蓉,在這裡用午餐,這裡附近有好幾家素食餐廳,先來紅茶園吃個飯吧.這裡的瓦褒老鼠粉蠻好吃的,冬菇麵也不錯,唯有廣府鴛鴦比較沒有這樣香. ~小頑童提供

2.晚上回家時,在紅茶園對面的妙吉祥素食館用晚餐,點了幾樣菜來吃.是蠻好吃的,可惜價錢也跟吉隆坡的一樣.沒有拿到卡片,也不懂這裡是甚麼路名,抱歉,但是芙蓉很小罷了,轉兩圈就可以找到了,只記得附近有一間神廟. ~小頑童提供

5 則留言:

Linx 提到...

Wow.. spamming...

Anyay.. there is no vege store in PD durng night time.. the previous time I went, I have to travel all the way to Seremban to makan! So Charm!!!

But this restaurant looks neat!

Linx 提到...

ok.. i have remove all the spammed comments for ya! :D

小頑童@nottyboy 提到...

i saw a vege restaurant on the way to PD, which is i think 2-3KM before reaching PD, but that day it was closed, i am not sure still operating or not.

thanks linx

Linx 提到...

yeah... those vegestore in PD onlt operate during day time :( really susah...

You are welcome! :D

小頑童@nottyboy 提到...



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