二零零六年十二月,與家人去了一趟浮羅浪交怡之旅。旅游期間不忘尋找素食飯店,果然不負我望,第一個晚上就給我找到了。這家店名叫“心安純素齋料食管”坐落于浮羅浪交怡市鎮中心(Kuah Town),主要買的是自助式雜飯,但菜式不多。這裡也提供點菜方式,除此之外,這裡也有煮各式各類湯麺。來到浮羅浪交怡,如果擔心找不到素食餐廳,不防留意下這間素食館吧。
On December year 2006, I had a family trip to Langkawi Island. During the trip I tried to look for Vegetarian Restaurant, without disappointed I found a vegetarian café. The café named as “Xin An Vegetarian Café”, located at the town center (Kuah Town).
The main service they providing is self-service dishes with rice, but not much dishes. Beside this, they providing on the sport dishes order and few styles of soup noodles. If you are worry about cannot find vegetarian restaurant or café during your trip to Langkawi Island, pay some attention to look for this Vegetarian Café.
Langkawi的Pantai Cenang的一些西餐還有海鮮飯店都能為素食者提供素食料理,好比說皮薩,意大利麵,炒飯等等。
欲瀏覽google earth
店名:Xin Ann Vege Cafe, 心安素食館 (SAS Malaysia Tour & Travel)
地址:33, Pusat Perdagangan Kelana Mas, 07000 Pulau Langkawi, Kedah Darul Aman (EON bank 對面,Bella Vista Hotel 對面的那些店面)
電話:04-9668133, 9662396
營業時間:11am - 3pm, 6.30pm - 9pm, (初一十五 8am - 3pm, 6.30pm - 9pm)
GPS坐標: 6°19'32.35"N, 99°50'34.25"E