1.在以前Taman Mayang林國榮學院那裡,在旁邊的鐵皮棚下面,嘛嘛檔隔壁,有一個素食檔子,開到晚上,去過兩次,晚上的菜色比較少,不過已經足夠給我果腹了.價錢還可以,不會太貴. ~小頑童提供
2.也是在以前Taman Mayang林國榮學院隔壁那座商店二楼开了一间素食店~
店名:齋师傅素食店 VegeMaster 營業時間:9am - 10pm ~Linx提供4. 在Jalan 225那裡的馬來亞銀行對面的Shell油站隔壁有一排店,最尾端那間一路潑小食中心有一個素食檔,我曾經在2001年在附近作工時光顧了它許久.不懂還 是不是以前的那位阿娘在賣呢?她只擺中午而已,而且價錢蠻便宜的,來這裡吃飯要早,不然遲了就沒有飯吃了. ~小頑童提供
(ii)繼續在走走,Menara MPPJ的旁邊
2) One stall located at
Kedai kopi & Makanan Hong Seng
1072, Jln 17/29, Happy Garden P.J
(day only)
3)One stall located at
Kedai kopi & Makanan Hwa Chang
Jln 17/29, Happy Garden P.J
(day only)
4) One stall located at:
Mamak Restaurant
(this aunty very hardworking and always has a smilling face.....
she is very polite and generous, always give some free stuffs for me. During day time she will operate her stall in the Mamak Restaurant. At nite, she will operate her stall among the hawkers in the pasar place
Forgot to introduce one more stall. This vege stall located below the Section 17 flat. The aunty uncle there only operate day time only. sad to say that the close on saturday & sunday. according to the uncle, not much business on these days.
well, very sad cause the curry mee and nasi lemak there is very good.
beside the stall, there is another stall selling vege food stuffs.
Both operated by I Kuan Tao Follower.